Monday, September 19, 2005

Can you stand one more blog?

I was all doped out on antihistamines Sunday, so I grabbed the GrandDog and camera, threw them in the Tracker and rode out to Personius Woods, where Tanglewood had Doggy Days a few weekends back. We also stopped at Harris Hill Dam on the way back. Ellie was whimpering with fatigue by the time we headed home for a nap.

For those of you who wanted my take on current events, scroll down: I'm ignoring them in my blog. Visit my Everloving Blogmother for just about the only dissenting view on the Crescent blooper. Keep scrolling; she's like a voice crying out in the wilderness. (Give'em hell, Sissy!) And almost all of my sidebar links will at least touch on the Porkbarrel/Katrina Aid outrage.

Little Pond

1 comment:

Sissy Willis said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. :) Nice pix.