Thursday, September 22, 2005

Soothing Thursday

Let's start with an update on the Ravenous HuggaMutt: The replacement part for the chewed shed arrived from Suncast. Husband RJ managed the job himself. It is very difficult to undo parts that snap together, but all is as it should be now. Glad I don't have to worry about snow-day heart attacks. Lost a friend's husband that way.

Sissy Willis and Shelley at BurningBird alerted us to the dangers facing the pets victimized by Katrina. Got a forwarded note from an animal rescue organization at the scene:

Speaking of rescues, time is running out for animals still in the city. But we still look forward to more and more rescues - especially since many more people have now been finding their way into the
city on their own, and simply putting out food and water until more help arrives. That, in itself, is a major blessing for animals who have been struggling to survive
for just on three weeks now.

1 comment:

pb said...

Keep scrolling. For some reason, Blogger won't allow me to undo the quotation indent. So everything that followed looked like part f the quote.

I simply posted to a fake earlier time. But anyone have the solution for this?