Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Shame on the Catholic Church!

It should know better. We didn't suffer enough through all the sexual predator scandals. Now we have to watch a witch-hunt, initiated in the mistaken belief that homosexuality causes pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a crime of power abuse. Nearly all sexual abuse is. It is not about sex. It is about power.

Because the Church considers homosexual behavior to be a disorder, it is looking to clean out homosexuals. I have a question for the Roman Catholic (or is it the American Catholic?) leadership:

Shall we wipe out upwards of 10% of the church hierarchy? Shall we eliminate up to 10% of humanity from the Book of Life?

When our leadership gets over its homophobia, then maybe it will set itself to the true task. Then it can train priests to be protectors of their flock. Not leaders, but servants. Precious lives are not theirs for amusement and ego-glorification.

When I think of all the saintly priests who have gone before, dedicating their lives to service, I feel sick for their memories. A celibate priest is not a sexual abuser, regardless of his orientation.

Get some competent advisors and get over it. A witchhunt is not the answer.

Little Pond


Darlene said...

You summed it up so perfectly: "...a witch-hunt, initiated in the mistaken belief that homosexuality causes pedophilia." That's exactly the reason for this witch-hunt, and they are so mistaken, thinking there's a connection between the two.

pb said...

And given the "men's house" workplace situation, there must be a disproportionate number of gay priests. So the statistics are skewed even further against gay-pedophiliacs in the Church.

It's power, power, power that feeds pedophilia, not homosexuality.