Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dog Day in the Glow

MammaDog M stopped by after work for some late breakfast. We grabbed up GrandDog and headed out to Golden Glow for some shutterbugging.

In the Glow the dogs have their own room, newly decorated, that opens out to the backyard. The fellows have a huge yard, all fenced in, that allows them to run from the front, right up to the street, around the house, and out back. Stepbro Bree isn't much interested in anyone and goes off by himself to inspect the edges of the property.

Ellie is ecstatic and runs right up to Willie to get things started. Isn't long before the heat sends them indoors for relief. We come full circle and soon it's time to go home, armed with dozens of photos to cull.

Scroll down and enjoy my little darlings!

Little Pond

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